CPR: The correct technique for compressions.

The reason why a first aider would carry out compressions on an unconscious casualty that is not breathing or not breathing normally, is to take over the job of the heart, to become a manual pump, and circulate the oxygenated blood within the body to try to keep the brain alive.

In First Aid an infant is aged between 0 and 1 year old.

A child is aged between 1 year and 18 years old.

An adult is classed as 18 years old and above.

The technique is very similar in all age groups, it’s just about adopting it to the size of the casualty.

Hands are placed on the sternum/breast bone in the centre of the chest. When pressing down the first aider must ensure that pressure is on the chest bone and NOT the rib cage.

The first aider will push down a third of the depth of the chest on that casualty.

The first aider will do the compressions at a speed of 100-120 beats per minute. This has been known to be done at the same beat as the song Staying Alive.

The number of hands a first aider would use when doing the compressions is now dependant on the size of the casualty and the size and strength of the first aider.

On an adult casualty, a first aider would use the two handed technique. Ensuring pressure is going through the heel of the lower hand, pressing on the sternum, and not on the ribs.

On a child, the number of hands used is dependant on the size of the child, and the size and strength of the first aider.

On a small child the first aider would use one hand. the heel of the hand pushing on the chest bone. A larger child/teenager the first aider could use the two hand technique. If the first aider is not sure, start with one hand, if they can not do it effectively then use the two hand technique.

On an infant the first aider would use 2 fingers, again these are to be placed on the sternum, in the centre of the chest. Pushing down a third of the depth at a speed of 100-120 compressions per minute.

A first aider would stop doing CPR on a casualty if:

The casualty starts to breath normally

Somebody takes over from the first aider to keep the technique going

If the first aider is on their own, there is nobody else to help, and they themselves become to exhausted to carry on.

Remember CPR can save lives.

Automated External Defibrillators. Where to place the pads on a casualty.

When we look at First Aid, the age of a child is between 1 and 18 years of age, and an adult is classed as over 18 years of age.

However when a defib is being used on an unconscious casualty that is not breathing or not breathing normally, the age ranges change.

A child is now classed as being between 1 and 8 years old, and an adult is now classed at being over 8 years old.

This is all to do with where the pads are placed on the casualty.

On a casualty over 8 years old the pads are placed on the top right and middle left of the chest. The pads show pictures of where to place them.

The pad placement for a child, is placing one on the centre of the chest and one on the centre of the back.

Some defibs may have adult pads and also child pads. These will show the correct place to put them on the casualty.

However, if the defib only has adult pads with it, these can still be used on a child, but put on as shown in the pictures above, and NOT as the pictures show on the pads.

These defibs are shown to improve a casualty’s chance of survival. Don’t be afraid to use them if there is one available.

Contact MJD Training, for further information, or to book on one of our First Aid courses to increase your awareness, knowledge and confidence in techniques that could possibly save a life.

The Importance of First Aid Training

First Aid is probably more important now than ever before. With the strain on the health service, knowing First Aid could gave a casualty a better chance of survival.
MJD Training has been delivering courses in First Aid and health & Safety now for 12 years. Teaching to companies in Stamford and surrounding areas.

We have a wide range of clients, from Cummins Generator Technologies, Zeeco Europe LTD, Copthill Independant Primary School, Stamford College, Stamford Stoves, Equlibrium Gym to name a few.

We teach Regulated and bespoke courses, dependant on the needs of our clients.
MJD Training is also here to offer support and advice.
If you would like more information about our training courses,please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Keeping Safe on First Aid Training Courses

With the new changes coming in on the 1st of November with regards to First Aid Training. All delegates must again now demonstrate the giving of rescue breaths.

To ensure all our delegates feel doing this, we still have safety measures in place.

  1. All delegates will be issued a CPR face shields.
  2. Wipes will be provided
  3. No more than 2 delegates to each manikin.
  4. What has also always been done and will continue to be done, after each course the manikins bare thoroughly cleaned, and the lungs are replaced.

We provide an environment where learning takes place in a fun way, but all our delegates are made to feel safe.

Level 3 Paediatric First Aid course

5th & 12th November 2022

There are still spaces available on the Level 3 Paediatric First Aid course.

This is being held at The Acorn Child Care Centre, Stamford, Lincolnshire.

This is an OFQUAL regulated course, recognised by OFSTED and Early Years.

Contact now to book your place

First Aid Training Courses from 1st November 2022

After our period of dealing with COVID and adapting first aid training to accommodate the safety of all with regards to CPR and the giving of rescue breaths, the Resuscitation Council have now announced that on first aid courses all delegates must again demonstrate how to give rescue breaths when performing CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation). All delegates must also show that they can perform 2 minutes of uninterrupted CPR as part of the assessment process to gain the qualification and be fully First Aid Trained.

First Aid during the Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

Please read the link below to get the latest information with regards to First Aid provision in the workplace, and also a guidance to those whose qualification is due to expire.


Mini Medics First Aid


Did you know the success rate for saving someone who has suffered from a Cardiac Arrest through CPR in the UK is between 6%-8%.

Why do you think this is?

My opinion is because the majority of people in the UK, do not know how to respond in these situations. Majority of UK residents only attend First Aid courses if their place of work requests them to.

In Denmark, they have had a push on CPR training since 2005. Their success rate of getting people to hospital alive following a cardiac arrest has risen to 22%.

Children are taught CPR at primary schools. Teenagers require to do First Aid as part of their driving tests.

MJD Training offers basic First Aid training to children. Our Mini Medics course teaches them basic life support skills.

We have already been into Copthill Independant School, Stamford, and Bluecoats Primary School, Stamford, rolling out this valuable program.

Contact us now to enquire about this program being brought into your school.

This valued skill, learned at a young age, taught to more people across the country could save more lives. You never know, it could be even yours.

CPR. Cardio Pulmonary Resusitation

The facts about giving rescue breaths.

I can’t tell you how many peopleĀ  state to me they have been told on previous first aid courses, that they don’t do the rescue breaths anymore whilst performing CPR on a non- breathing casualty, or a casualty who is not breathing normally.

On all regulated courses the administration of the two rescue breaths has to be taught. All delegates to attain their qualification MUST demonstrate in training that they can perform the two breaths.

However in the real world, the administration of the two breaths is at the discretion of the First Aider.

It states in The Resuscitation Council Guidelines 2015:

‘If trained and able, combine chest compressions and rescue breaths, otherwise provide compression-only CPR’

Trained and able are the key words. If the casualty has vomit, blood, poison on their face, then unless the First Aider has a CPR face shield then they probably would be unable to do the rescue breaths due to risk of infection.

If there are burns to the face, broken jaw, then again the First Aider would probably be unable to administer the two rescue breaths.

If the First Aider is not able to give the rescue breaths, then they would continue with hands only CPR, and now doing uninterrupted compressions as much as reasonably practicable. CPR should not be stopped until help takes over, the casualty starts breathing again, or the First Aider is too exhausted to carry on.

Remember doing something is better than doing nothing. It gives the casualty a better chance of survival.